October 9, 2010


Brilliant Bokeh Photography

Bokeh photography is all about depth of field and creating individual blurred circles (or various shapes) with a small F number. Bokeh is a Japanese word meaning ‘Blur’, but photography has adapted this meaning to be the aesthetic quality of blurred points of light. The most effective light sources for creating Bokeh is Fairy Lights or candles, basically any small light source. Bokeh can enhance a plain blurred background in a photo, while being a key feature to the overall picture, and it can be fun to experiment with the different shapes and colours!

HBW: Yuki-chan and the Bokeh

Hawaiian Rainy bokeh

hbw | happy (custom) bokeh wednesday

my love for bokeh

A Cup of Bokeh, please?

Starbucks' Christmas Bokeh

I Heart Bokeh


textured bokeh 2

HBW - bokeh fest

Day 133/365 : Catching the bokeh

The Smell of Bokeh.

American Flag Bokeh

daisy and the bokehs

it's raining bokeh

Have a Very Bokeh Christmas

Colorful bokeh

Bokeh Season


Cast your bokeh to the wind

Piano Bokeh

swamp bokeh

Nighttime Bokeh

snow flake bokeh

Bokeh Ball [2/365]

Bokeh Lens

Maritime Bokeh

Dance When No One's Watching - Bokeh + Silhouette

Morning Bokeh

Rotary Dryer Bokeh - Explore 08.05.10


Bubbles and bokeh 1

Bokeh Hose 3

21-06-10 Cause I'd Rather Pretend I'll Still Be There At The End ~ Explored #1

On a path to 2009...

Neon Mic

Day One Hundred Three


18-06-10 I'm About As Close To Making Sense As I'm Ever Going To Get ~ Explored Front Page :)

Welcome to the Refractory

Bokeh Surfing..

Say you will


Crazy Christmas Tree Bokeh

Christmas lights bokeh

Hepi Bokeh

bokeh-box for Christmas

90/365 - Go into the Light

Day 28/365 : The unspoken words are little treasures and they lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried...

Mardi Gras Readers (FRONT PAGE #1)

If you’d like to discover more – simply click on any photograph above for more inspiration! Also, checkout this video and link on Bokeh:

Create your own Bokeh – DIY

Create your own Bokeh Shapes:

Thank you to all the photographers that allow their photographs to be freely shared!

All Photographs shown here are © Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike!

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