Posts from the ‘Photography’ Category


Wild Wide-Angle Photography

Wide-Angle Photography is often used to capture the maximum amount of detail or subject, but it can also be used for a distortion effect due to the bulging convex lens. Wide-Angle lenses are usually around 35mm or less for a Full-Frame (35mm) Camera, there after you begin to get more distortion in your photographs and the closer your subject goes to the outer edge.

I hope you find this an interesting insight into wide-angle photography and continue to discover more by selecting any photograph below to view the artist’s works!

reflections of sydney

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Superb Sun-Burst Photography

Sun-Bursts are a great way to present the sunlight as a feature part of the photograph, without severely harming your sensor or over exposing your film and causing light leaks! In simple terms this sunburst effect can be achieved by reducing the size of your lens diaphragm or setting your aperture to f22 or around that, and this will effect the light source entering your camera producing bursting rays of light.

As always I encourage you to visit the photographer’s Flickr PhotoStream for more inspiration – by simply clicking their photographs!


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Magnificent Motion Blur Photography

Motion Blur Photography adds excitement to a photograph and represents moving subject matter in a better way than a frozen image. If you want to photograph a moving car you may want to try a panning action rather than simply point and shoot, this will blur the background while keeping the car in crisp focus.

I encourage you to explore this technique further and have fun viewing more by clicking on any photograph below!

whirling people machine

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Sublime Seascape Photography

Seascape Photography is fantastic for experimenting with the different settings of your camera, there is so much happening in a seascape and so many techniques you can try! Long exposure at dusk seems to be the most favourite when photographing by the shore, so I encourage you to fiddle around with a slow shutter speed, may be just a second long and see the amazing results!

Please check out the photographer’s work by clicking their photographs and finding out more!

Two moments in time

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Phenomenal Planet Photography

Planet (Stereographic Projections) Photography is simply crazy and fun! The technique is not only all about skilful digital manipulations, there are a few really good programs that can help you out there, but the raw photography side is very technical. The use of wide angle lenses help to overcome the need for multiple photographs to get the entire scene, but then there is the mapping of your photographs to ensure that you capture all of the surroundings and not to later find a gap in your equirectangular panorama. However, you can avoid the stitching altogether by making do with a single photo and stretch it around in a circle!

Please have a deeper look into this mind twisting technique by clicking on any photograph – this will show you the artists Flickr page!

Paris s'éveille

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