October 5, 2010


Awesome Antarctica Photography

Antarctica is an amazing region, and for those lucky enough to visit the cold, icy place I’m sure that the cameras are always out of the bag. But to get the fantastic photographs that you see on the brochures – you need to pick the right time and know all there is to photographing an Antarctic subject! As you may notice as you browse through these photographs, many of them have been taken at sunset or sunrise to get the best available light, however the closer you get to the South Pole you’ll either have light 24/7 or none at all! Also, consider the use of a long lens to ensure you won’t miss any spectacular experiences such as a whale breaching!

Even if you never plan to venture into the Antarctic, please enjoy the photos and click any image below to find out more about the photographer’s work!

Calm water at Skontorp Cove, Paradise Harbor

Polar Star



Penguins can't fly!

Midnight in Antarctica

Ice Bridge Antarctic Sea Ice (200910220009HQ) (explored)

Ice Bridge Antarctic Sea Ice (200910270017HQ) (explored)

Proud Gentoo Penguin


Désert blanc


Iceberg I

Taking the lead through the ice

Adelie Penguin Dive on Paulet Island, Antarctica

Vesleskarvet - Antarctica 58

antarctica penguin

Blizzard symphony

antarctica penguin shuffle


Antarctica, november 2007


Adele Penguin feeding chicks on Paulet Island

Peep through the Iceberg

Antarctica HDR



ross (1)

Church Iceberg

Antarctica, november 2007

Nature Antarctica 18

Antarctica, november 2007

Through the brash ice of the Lemaire!

Ilulissat Icefjord - Greenland


Penguins on Ice Flow, 0300 Wedell Sea



Ice Sculpture

Aurora Australis at the South Pole (2008)

Antarctica, november 2007

HMS Portland Sails Near Huge Glacier in South Georgia

Sea monster's sea

If this picture doesn't make you want to save the environment....Nothing will!

Antarctica, november 2007




Moon on ice

Crozet Archipelago - King Penguins

buried connie


Antarctica, november 2007

I can fly!!!!


Breaching humpback whale

Humpback Jumping

Antarctica, november 2007

Thank you to all the photographers that allow their photographs to be freely shared!

All Photographs shown here are © Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike!

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10 Comments Post a comment
  1. r.shanmugam
    Oct 9 2010

    really awesome

  2. Oct 9 2010

    Wow! Spectacular shots! It must have been a lot of work to get all those great shots. A lot of them belong in a frame. Awesome is definitely the word for this collection.

  3. Keko
    Nov 30 2010

    Nice, but # 3 is in El Chaltén, about 2.000km from Antarctica…

    • Nov 30 2010

      Ok, thanks for the correction Keko!

  4. jojo
    Dec 20 2010

    these pics are amazing ^_^

  5. Thanks for posting my photo (#1). It was truly a great day.


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  1. Impresionantes fotos de la Antártida [eng]
  2. Awesome Antarctica Photography : Speckyboy Design Magazine
  3. Francis Vachon » Friday links and news
  4. Just another Manic Monday…. « Bluebird Aspen

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