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The Greek Islands Photography

The Greek Islands are spread across the deep blue Aegean Sea off the coast of Greece, and harbour some of the most beautiful resorts in the World! There is over 6,000 Greek Islands and Islets scattered across the Greek Coast, but only 227 of them are inhabited and the largest being Crete!

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Christmas Photography

It is the Festive Season and in accordance I have gathered a collection of magical Christmas photos, I hope they will inspire you to capture your own special moments during the Christmas break!

Xmas Tree
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Smoke Art

Photographing smoke can be a great alternative to outdoors photography, especially when you’re stuck inside on those cold rainy days. The main ingredients you’ll be needing is a black background, a flash (preferably portable) or a lamp, and a cheap incense stick! Setting this up doesn’t take long, then it is all up to your photographic eye, which will hopefully be tuned after looking at this collection! Many of these photographs have been manipulated in some way in Photoshop, so after you’ve gathered a couple of excellent shots have a go at post-processing them. The method of inverting and recolouring the smoke is a big theme across all of them!

in flame | explored |
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Yosemite National Park Photography

Yosemite National Park is located east of San Francisco in California, United States of America. Yosemite spans across some 761,268 acres comprising amazing landscapes and many curious species of wildlife. It is where landscape photographers are born! Having Ansel Adams trekking the park for his entire life throughout the twentieth century bringing Yosemite to the cities of America with his photography, while spreading awareness to conserve this rich pocket of earth. Yosemite has spanned across more than just a few hundred thousands acres over the past decades, drawing in almost four million visitors a year! So, I hope you find these photographs inspiring and a reminder to you that photography is a unique medium with more than just creativity to show, but also a powerful tool in seeking awareness for a cause, as in the case of Ansel Adams.

El Capitan on Fire - Valley View, Yosemite Park, California, USA
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Photo Inspirations: 5 Unusual Perspectives

Next time you are out taking photos, and you want to add more interest to your images then just a “photojournalistic” recording of the event or place you visited, give these tips a try. Don’t worry, these tips don’t require a fancy camera or lens. These techniques can be used with the most basic point and shoot cameras, or even a cell phone.

Under The Eye
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