September 22, 2010


Streaming Star Trails Photography

If  you haven’t already played about with your Bulb exposure setting, then you’re missing out and here is proof! Star Trails are simply captivating, they map the sky as the Earth rotates producing streams of light, providing a photo opportunity for the long exposure lovers. This technique is very easy to get a hang of and in the end the most difficult part is patience – sitting in the cold dark night!

Stanton, St John the Baptist

Coll de la Taixeta

From the deep (Explored)

Racing Stars

Milky Way over Lake Mary, Flagstaff - AZ - Perseids Meteor Shower

When the sun goes down, the stars come out to play

There it is, plane to see

Monument at Mission San Miguel founded 1797, with a Star Trail Sky

How to photograph a startrail

A Haunted Trail

Behind the Rocks at Night

Traveling stars

Polar rotation

365::225 - The Dark Half

Perseida lesen I.


Guiding light

Mt. Teide under the stars

Star Shower

The Night Time Grandeur at Chapel Hill

Buttermere Star Trails


You spin me right round, baby right round.

Play with Me

Algonquin Night Sky

Newmarket Nights

Milky Way Star Trails - Lake Mary, Flagstaff, AZ

Perseid Meteor Shower - Flagstaff, Arizona

Beautiful skies and stinky pants


Stars at the beach


Ennerdale stars

Shooting Stars

St. Huberts Star Trails 2.0

Star Burst Sky Spin

Smoking Stonehenge

What Goes Around

Ecuador Celeste

Star trails & Flight ban

Adventures in strobeland

1600 mistake

Star Trails

Time and Back


Canyon Overlook at Night, Zion National Park



St. Huberts Church, Idsworth, Hampshire UK

Superstitions under the stars

Burning Man

Reaching the limits

Milky chimney

Star trails and grain elevator

Observing The Stars (Sydney Observatory Star Trail Photography)

Waiting for the Perseids

Star Trails in Castelletta

Star trails2


Holiday home

The dock - Reloaded

Star trails & Flight ban

Feeling the Earth Turn

Trails on the Henge

Hang this in your bathroom, please.

Star Trails over Heart Lake

Cosmic Sandwich

Star Trail 2010-03-06

No Shade

Under the Stars


The Celestial South Pole

Under the Starry Sky

Békásmegyeri kálvária I.

Heavens Above

Desert Road Infrared Startrails

Film Star Trails



Magyarföldi csillagjárás I.

Startrails Over Wicken Fen


star trails at Plaka bridge

Punta Hermengo

Critical mass

Star trails around Polaris

Monitor Star Trails

Travelling without moving


Moon Rising

A fond farewell

Owachomo Bridge Star Trails

Who let the stars out?

Denizli Starry Night

The Pyramid

Ghosts disappear

If you’d like to know more about this technique or want more inspiration please follow the links:

Image Stacking Software for Star Trails (Free)

Dan Heller Professional Photographer

Dan Heller:

Thank you to all the photographers that allow their photographs to be freely shared!

All Photographs shown here are © Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike!

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